This group was created to act as a centralized location for Chicagoans to gather information about up and coming movements, marches, protests, and shed light on community injustices and the people who perpetrate them. This group is about calling people to action, and not about discussion beyond organizing a plan. Pointing fingers gets us nowhere, where activism with a plan does. So let's make the difference.
Chicago Community Activism Magazine
We started the Chicago Community Activism Magazine as a way to recognize and highlight the activities of group participants. We appreciate their efforts and want to thank them by bringing attention to them in hopes to have others join them in making our communities better through action.
September 2022 Issue
Activism Spotlight- Rosita Chatonda
Organization Spotlight- The Black Star Project
Youth Spotlight- Makyah Townes and Jimmie Rogers III
Focusing on Black Education and more!!!
May 2022 Issue
Activism Spotlight- Natalie Battles-Reed
Organization Spotlight- S.O.U,L.
Youth Spotlight- Amina Sunshine Gorman
Focusing on Black Mental Health, The Black Agenda: Health and Wellness, and more!!!
Juneteenth 2021 Issue
Activism Spotlight- Richard Wallace
Organization Spotlight- National Black Agenda Consortium
Youth Spotlight- Jahkil Naeem Jackson
Featuring What Is Juneteenth, Survival Economies Report, Black Agenda: Reparations, and more!!!
February 2021 Inaugural Issue
Activism Spotlight- Afrika Porter
Organization Spotlight- Girls Like Me Project
Youth Spotlight- Amina Sunshine
Featuring Black Culture Wellness, White Jesus and Its Use In White Supremacy, and more!!!
Chicago Community Activism Podcast
We started the Chicago Community Activism Podcast as a way to build on the efforts of the magazine by recognizing and highlighting the activities of group participants. Our use of the Podcast format will for engaging and organizing group members to become active, by giving the opportunity to help build.